Investigating the Importance of Culinary Students’ Career Adaptabilities to the Culinary Profession in the Gastro-Tourism Branding Process of Amasya
Destination branding, Career adaptability, Culinary education, Gastronomy students, Gastro-TourismAbstract
The purpose of this current study was to determine the connection between the professional emotions and career adaptability of culinary students in a university-based culinary arts program, and it was also emphasized that the career adaptability competencies of culinary students will play an important role in the branding process of Amasya city in the gastro-tourism field. The data were collected from a sample of students pursuing culinary careers. The questionnaires were self-administered by the participants. In the survey context, a total of 124 valid questionnaires were gathered. The data was analyzed using SPSS v.23 in conjunction with Process Macro. The statistical analyses show that there is a positive relationship between culinary profession affection and career adaptability dimensions such as concern, control, and curiosity. Additionally, the analysis demonstrates that the students’ preference moderates this relationship. This study is the first of its kind in related literature, offering novel insights into the theoretical underpinnings and practical implications for professionals in the field.
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