Şehir Hakkı ve Turizm: İstanbul Üzerine Ampirik Bir Çalışma (Right to the City and Tourism: An Empirical Study on İstanbul)
Right to the city, Local government, Destination management, Tourism, İstanbulAbstract
The aim of this study is to determine the ideas of the non-governmental organizations (NGOs), public institutions and the private sector about the right of the city, to determine the efforts of Istanbul to protect the city's right and to evaluate how Istanbul is considered a touristic product. and to make suggestions. For this purpose, interviews were conducted with 17 stakeholders in Istanbul. According to the opinions obtained from the content analysis results of the interviews conducted with the participants, the natural and social structure of Istanbul is deteriorating, and the problems of migration, zoning and traffic are increasing. The earthquake risk of Istanbul is still a problem in the agenda. Nevertheless, the completed and on-going mega-projects create solutions to some issues for Istanbul, they also bring with them doubts and disagreements such as rationalization. Education and awareness of stakeholders about city tourism, and the lack of responsibilities and awareness are other prominent issues. The lack of training, awareness, and joint action of stakeholders on city tourism, and the lack of responsibilities and awareness are other prominent issues.
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