Çoklu Görev ve Kariyer Uyum Yeteneklerinin Pişirme Yetkinlikleri Üzerindeki Etkisi: Aşçılık Eğitimi Alan Öğrenciler Üzerine Bir Araştırma (The Effect of Multitasking and Career Adaptability on Cooking Skills: A Study on Culinary Students)


  • Kenan PALA
  • İbrahim İLHAN




Multitasking, Career adapt-abilities, Cooking skills, Culinary education


The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of multi-tasking and career adaptability on the cooking competencies of associate and undergraduate students who will form the workforce of the sector in the coming years. In this direction, the scales whose reliability and validity were tested in previous studies in the relevant literature were compiled in accordance with the purpose and a questionnaire form was created. The created questionnaire was applied online to 482 associate degree and undergraduate students’ actively studying culinary education in higher education institutions in the current academic year using simple random sampling method. The hypotheses were tested with Partial Least- Squares Structural Equatıon Modeling (PLS-SEM). Data were analyzed in two stages, using both the measurement (external) model and the structural (internal) model. According to the findings obtained as a result of the analyzes carried out, it was determined that multitasking and concern as career adaptability had a positive and significant effect on cooking skills. As career adaptability abilities, the effects of control, curiosity and confidence levels on students' cooking skills were not determined.


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How to Cite

PALA, K., & İLHAN , İbrahim . (2023). Çoklu Görev ve Kariyer Uyum Yeteneklerinin Pişirme Yetkinlikleri Üzerindeki Etkisi: Aşçılık Eğitimi Alan Öğrenciler Üzerine Bir Araştırma (The Effect of Multitasking and Career Adaptability on Cooking Skills: A Study on Culinary Students). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 11(2), 1491–1515. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2023.1253

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