Dışarda Yeme Teorisi Bağlamında The Menu (2022) Filmi Üzerine Bir İnceleme (An Analysis on The Menu (2022) in the Context of the Theory of Eating Out)


  • Ünal Gönen ISLAKOĞLU




The menu, Movie, Gastro cinema, Eating out, Experience


There has been an increase in the number of gastronomy-themed films in recent years. One of these films, The Menu, has placed the phenomenon of eating out at the centre of the narrative. This research aims to investigate the phenomenon of eating out shown in The Menu, within the framework of the discipline of gastronomy. Qualitative research method and descriptive analysis were used for this purpose. Chef Slowik's dining experience, shown in the movie, is a multidimensional activity that includes ethical experience and even religious experience in relation to purification. Through the dining experience, the chef both punishes his guests and gives them the experience they desire and deserve. In the context of the effect of information on perception, the information process can be defined as a new element related to the experience part of eating outside. Therefore, information is not only a process that affects the choice of restaurant or food, but also creates an open space for research as an element that enriches the dining experience.


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How to Cite

ISLAKOĞLU, Ünal G. (2024). Dışarda Yeme Teorisi Bağlamında The Menu (2022) Filmi Üzerine Bir İnceleme (An Analysis on The Menu (2022) in the Context of the Theory of Eating Out). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 12(2), 1016–1036. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2024.1422