Marslı ve Bir Hayatta Kalma Aracı Olarak Patates (The Martian and the Potato as a Survival Tool)
The martian, Movie, Potato, Survive, SemioticsAbstract
Even though there are many studies in the literature on The Martian in book and movie formats, there has been no research in the context of the gastronomic discipline. For this reason, as a gastronomic element at the centre of the narrative, it is aimed to examine the potato use in movie format in The Martian. For this purpose, qualitative research method and phenomenological research pattern were preferred, descriptive analysis and semiotic analysis were used in data analysis. As a result, potatoes are identified with survival in the simplest sense and semiotic analysis indicates predominantly negative content that have various meanings like non-food use in a historical context.
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