Perceived Overqualification: Evaluation for Gastronomy Students


  • Gökhan ONAT
  • Yusuf KARAKUŞ



Overqualification, Gastronomy students, Food and beverage industry


One of the important elements for the food and beverage industry to carry out its activities successfully is the performance of the employees. Since it is a labor-intensive industry, employees become even more important. One of the obstacles to the superior performance of the employees is the perception of overqualification. In this study, it is aimed to produce solutions to manage the perception of overqualification, which may arise by examining the perceived overqualification levels of gastronomy students. A quantitative method was followed within the scope of the research. The data obtained through the questionnaire form (311 respondents) were analyzed by applying descriptive statistics and difference analysis. The findings of the study show that there is a differentiation from the perception of overqualification according to some demographic characteristics. These findings, which emerged within the scope of the study, were interpreted and suggestions were presented.


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How to Cite

ONAT , G., & KARAKUŞ , Y. (2024). Perceived Overqualification: Evaluation for Gastronomy Students. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 11(4), 3128–3148.