Taş Alası (Salmo Trutta Macrostigma) Balığının Moleküler Gastronomi Teknikleri ile Pişirilmesi (Cooking of Taş Alası (Salmo Trutta Macrostigma) Fish With Molecular Gastronomy Techniques)


  • Ünalcan KUTAL
  • İbrahim Tuğkan ŞEKER




Molecular gastronomy, Local fish, Gastronomy


Today, the rapidly changing and developing competitive environment has revealed many new trends in the field of gastronomy. When new trends in gastronomy are examined, molecular gastronomy applications are widely encountered. Within the scope of this study, it was aimed to apply and prescribe different cooking techniques to stone alasi fish by adopting the understanding of molecular gastronomy. Smoking, sous-vide and spherification techniques from molecular gastronomy techniques were used in the study. For the smoking process, bangles, star anise and marigold flowers were used. It was cooked with sous-vide technique for 30 minutes at 60 ° C in order to ensure the microbiological stability of the fish smoked separately with each aromatic plant and to form the necessary aroma components. The fish cooked with sous-wide technique was served with some local plants. In the service of fish, the shoveling technique, which is also a molecular technique, was preferred and madimak, manger and pez caviar were used. The plates prepared in this way were evaluated by 20 panelists and the results were examined statistically. In the light of the surveys and evaluations conducted within the scope of the study, it has been concluded that local fish species can also be cooked with modern techniques and that acceptable levels of product can be produced.


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How to Cite

KUTAL , Ünalcan ., & ŞEKER, İbrahim T. . (2023). Taş Alası (Salmo Trutta Macrostigma) Balığının Moleküler Gastronomi Teknikleri ile Pişirilmesi (Cooking of Taş Alası (Salmo Trutta Macrostigma) Fish With Molecular Gastronomy Techniques). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 11(2), 877–891. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2023.1223