Tüketicilerin Akar Banda Yönelik Algısının Sağlıklı Beslenme ve Satın Alma Niyeti Üzerine Etkisi (The Effect of Consumers' Perception of Mite Band on Healthy Eating and Purchasing Intention)


  • Burhan SEVİM




Food advertisements, tream tape, Healthy eating, Family, Child


Developments in communication technology diversify and increase the number of advertisements. This increase is usually seen in food advertisements. Food advertisements are one of the factors that affect children's eating habits. Due to their inexperience, children tend to consume the products given in the advertisements. Unhealthy, high-calorie and low-nutrient foods cause problems such as obesity and inactivity. Stream band messages are used to reduce the impact of food advertisements on children and to fight obesity. The aim of this study is to measure the effect of the flow tape application, which started for children, on purchase intention and healthy nutrition. In this context, a questionnaire was applied to 393 families with children under the age of 18 residing in the central districts of Adana province. As a result of the analyzes made, it was seen that streaming tape messages had an effect on healthy eating and behavioral intention was also affected by streaming tape messages. In addition, it has been determined that consumers' healthy eating desires affect their purchasing decisions.


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How to Cite

ÇAYLAK DÖNMEZ , Özge ., & SEVİM , B. . (2023). Tüketicilerin Akar Banda Yönelik Algısının Sağlıklı Beslenme ve Satın Alma Niyeti Üzerine Etkisi (The Effect of Consumers’ Perception of Mite Band on Healthy Eating and Purchasing Intention). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 11(1), 261–278. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2023.1191