Tescil Platformlarındaki Gastronomik Ürünler ve Gastronomi Festivallerindeki Yeri (Kastamonu Örneği) (Gastronomic Products in Registration Platforms and Their Place in Gastronomy Festivals (The Case of Kastamonu))


  • Burhan SEVİM
  • Demet GÜNER




Kastamonu, Gastronomy festivals, Registration platforms, Proprietary products


Registration is an important element that gives identity to a product, protects the manufacturer and encourages production. Increasing the number of registered gastronomic products is important in terms of supporting the image of countries and sustainable production policies. In this research, the interview technique, which is one of the qualitative research methods, was applied and the knowledge level of the representatives in the festival organizations about the registered products in the region was measured. In the study, the role of the gastronomic products under protection in five different branches of Kastamonu (Geographical indication, E-Ambrosia, Slow Food Presidia and Ark of Taste, Heirloom Project) in the gastronomic festivals held in Kastamonu was investigated. With the prepared interview questions, interviews were conducted with 5 people from research sampling and exploration was made. After the exploratory research, the questions were reshaped and put into practice. The obtained data were analyzed with the MAXQDA qualitative data analysis program. As a result of the research, it has been seen that all festival officials have knowledge about the registered products of Kastamonu gastronomy. While it is seen that there is a more widespread interest and level of knowledge towards national registration projects, it has been observed that the perception towards international projects is not yet at the desired level.


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How to Cite

SEVİM, B., & GÜNER, D. (2023). Tescil Platformlarındaki Gastronomik Ürünler ve Gastronomi Festivallerindeki Yeri (Kastamonu Örneği) (Gastronomic Products in Registration Platforms and Their Place in Gastronomy Festivals (The Case of Kastamonu)). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 9(4), 3092–3112. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2021.936