MasterChef Türkiye TV Yemek Programının Yemek Alışkanlıklarına ve Mutfağa İlgi Düzeyine Etkisi (The Effect of MasterChef Turkey TV Cooking Program on Food Habits and Interest in Kitchen)


  • Aykut ŞİMŞEK
  • Demet GÜNER



Cooking programs, Food habits, Cuisine, MasterChef Turkey


Cooking programs which prepared in similar formats around the world attract a great deal of attention from the audience. Today, there is a wide variety of cooking programs such as cooking competitions, travel cooking shows, entertainment programs with cooking parts. In this study, it is aimed to measure the effect of the MasterChef Turkey program, which is followed with great interest in Turkey, on the food habits of consumers and their level of interest in the kitchen. In addition, determining the effect of the program on the intention to participate in gastronomic tourism is among the aims of the studies. Using the semi-structured interview technique, interviews were held with 27 participants between 6 November and 30 November 2020. In the results of the study, it has been determined that the program encourages the participants to cook well, creates awareness about gastronomy, helps them to save by choosing the right product in meals, and turns cooking into a hobby rather than meeting a physical need. In addition, it has been seen that it led to research on local foods and provides motivation to visit destinations which come to the fore with gastronomy. It was concluded that on the program in question had a positive effect on prejudiced food products and consumed the products which they could not eat by trying them in different formats.


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How to Cite

ŞİMŞEK, A., & GÜNER, D. (2023). MasterChef Türkiye TV Yemek Programının Yemek Alışkanlıklarına ve Mutfağa İlgi Düzeyine Etkisi (The Effect of MasterChef Turkey TV Cooking Program on Food Habits and Interest in Kitchen). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 9(3), 1679–1697.