Dünyada En Çok Turist Çeken 10 Şehrin Websitelerinin Elektronik Pazarlama Açısından İncelenmesi (Websites Analysis of 10 Most Visited Cities in The World in Terms of Electronic Marketing)
City tourism, Electronic marketing, WebsitesAbstract
The common use of the Internet has remarkably disrupted the travel industry and led to competition among destinations to attract more tourists via the Internet. Today, tourists have access to all kinds of destination information through the Internet. One of the most important resources that provides the credible information regarding destinations is the city guide websites managed or supported by the government agencies. In this study, the official websites of the 10 most visited cities in the world were analyzed. Kind of information these websites provide to the potential visitors, target markets and contents for their target markets were explored. One of the significant results of the study is that all official city websites have the special content for the families with kids and the couples. Another important result of the study is that while content aspects of New York, London and Paris’ websites expand to a wide range of target markets, Kuala Lumpur and Istanbul’s websites focus on a limited target market.
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