Nörogastronomi ve Duyuların Lezzet Algısına Etkisinin Yarı Yapılandırılmış Görüşmelerle Analizi (Analysis of Neurogastronomy and the Effect of the Senses on the Perception of Taste with Semi-Structured Interviews)
Neurogastronomy, Senses, Taste perceptionAbstract
It is the need to eat and drink, which is of vital importance in all humans, as Maslow showed in the hierarchy of needs pyramid. The need of human beings to eat and drink develops with him from the moment he is born and is among his basic motives. The fact that people like some foods and drinks more, but dislike some products continues to exist in our lives with all its strength. Taste perception is affected by which sense organ and makes choices? This is the starting point of this study. Conceptually, “What is neurogastronomy?”, “How did it originate in the world?” and “How much of the pleasure obtained from the products consumed is due to the foods eaten and how much is due to the perception of taste in the brain?” answers to the questions were sought. With this study, the measurement of neurogastronomy awareness, the determination of which sensory perceptions are used while consuming a food, and the effect of colors on the perception of taste were investigated. Interviews were conducted by creating a semi-structured interview form, which is the data collection tool of the study in the conceptual framework. 32 people from Kastamonu University Faculty of Tourism participated in the research. The most important finding from these interviews; from the past is that established notions are changeable and that the senses can alter the perception of taste with neuroscience.
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