Öz Düzenleme ve Öz Yeterlilik İlişkisi: Ordu Üniversitesinde Bir Uygulama (The Relationship of Self-regulation and Self-efficacy: An Application at Ordu University)


  • Emre AYKAÇ
  • Mustafa SARI
  • Nagehan AYDIN SARI




Self regulation, Academic self-efficacy, Tourism management, Cooking


The main purpose of this research is to determine the effect of self-regulation of associate degree tourism and hotel management and cookery students on their academic self-efficacy. In this direction, the universe of the research, which has an applied nature, consists of the students of Ordu University Vocational School of Social Sciences, tourism and hotel management and culinary program. Questionnaire technique was used to collect data through sampling from the population determined within the scope of the research. In the analysis of the data, frequency, percentage, mean, correlation and regression analyzes were applied through the appropriate statistical program. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that the students of the associate degree tourism management and cookery program; It has been determined that there is a strong and significant relationship between self-regulation dimensions and self-efficacy, and that self-regulation has a significant positive effect on self-efficacy.


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How to Cite

AYKAÇ, E., SARI, M., & AYDIN SARI, N. (2023). Öz Düzenleme ve Öz Yeterlilik İlişkisi: Ordu Üniversitesinde Bir Uygulama (The Relationship of Self-regulation and Self-efficacy: An Application at Ordu University). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 9(3), 1800–1819. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2021.869