İş Güvencesizliği Algısının İş Yaşam Kalitesine Etkisinde İyimserlik ve Kötümserlik Özelliklerinin Aracılık Rolü: Seyahat Acentası Çalışanları Örneği (The Mediation Role of Optimism and Pessimism in the Effect of Perception of Job Insecurity on Quality of Work Life: The Example of Travel Agency Employees)
Perception of job insecurity, Quality of work life, Optimism, PessimismAbstract
In this study, the effects of travel agency employees' perceptions of job insecurity on their quality of work life were investigated. In addition, the mediation role of optimism and pessimism in the effect of perception of job insecurity on the quality of work life was tried to be revealed. The data of the research were obtained from the A group travel agency employees operating in Antalya during the period October-December 2019 through managers. As a result of the analysis of valid 188 data, it was found that the perception of job insecurity have a negative effect on the quality of work life. It is also another finding that the effects of optimism and pessimism play a partial mediating role in the impact of the perception of job insecurity on the quality of work life. In this context, it can be stated that situations such as increasing competition conditions, organizational changes (downsizing, merger, acquisition of the enterprise, etc.) and flexible working arrangements have made a negative impact on work life. Issues such as full-time employment contracts to be made by travel agency company, maintaining the positive climate of the managers in the business, and increasing social exchanges among the employees may decrease the perception of job insecurity and increase the quality of work life. Moreover, the perception of job insecurity can be reduced by increasing the optimism characteristics of the employees with special programs (training, seminars, personal development interviews with relevant experts, etc.) to be organized by the travel agency managers
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