Dondurmanın Tarihsel Gelişimi ile Kültürlerarası Düzeyde Karşılaştırması (Historical Development of Ice Cream and Comparison at Intercultural Level)
Ice cream, History of ice cream, Culinary culture, Ice cream in Ottoman periodAbstract
It was aimed to examine the discovery and changes throughout the history of ice cream. It has revealed the changes in historical perspective since the discovery of ice cream, diversity in different cultures and the effects of development on industrial production. Ice cream was appeared as a product made from snow and fruit pomace in Rome, on the other hand the first ice cream from sweetened milk and ice mixture in China was mentioned. In Italy, ice cream was developed by the transfer of its culture from east to west. The transfer of ice cream to America has contributed to ice cream becoming an industrial product. In Turkish culture, the snow was started to be used in 19th century for ice cream making. Ice cream began to sweeten the ice and snow in the past and came up as a dairy dessert, it was diversified in different culture by being affected from the climate and geographical characteristics of region.
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