Examining the Sector Representatives’ Opinions Regarding on the Place of Turkish Traditional Turkish Cheese as an Alternate International Cheese in Tourism Sector
Tourism, Gastronomy, International cheese, Traditional cheeseAbstract
In the field of gastronomy, cheese is not only a consumed object, but also it is one of the most important food that is searched, observed in situ, analyzed its history and signed geographically. In this study, questionnaires were applied and the opinions of the sector representatives that traditional Turkish cheese takes part as an alternative to international cheese in tourism sector were taken. Within the scope of the research, the opinions of the individuals working at stars-hotel department of the kitchen, food and beverage management and sales-marketing in different regions of Turkey were taken. 20 females and 80 males totally 100 different sector representatives were participated survey. As a result of the answers given by the participants, it was tried to find out the preferences of the traditional Turkish cheese. Participants responded positively to our study which has been conducted with the aim of raising the awareness of the sustainability of our cultural diversity and heritages. Additionally, the participants have specified their positive preference for presentation of traditional cheeses in terms of culture, taste and tourism.
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