Destinasyon Alanında Yayınlanmış Lisansüstü Tezlerin Bibliyometrik Profili (Bibliometric Profile of Graduated Thesis in the Destination Area)
Graduate, Thesis, Bibliometry, DestinationAbstract
In this study, it is aimed to reveal the bibliometric properties of graduate theses in order to examine the development process of the destination area and to contribute to the literature. In the study, it was determined that there were 236 postgraduate thesis published between 2003-2018 related to the destination in the database of Higher Education Council National Thesis Center (YOKTEZ). The thesis were examined in terms of bibliometric features in the year of publication, type of thesis (master and doctorate), institute, department, university, subject, applied research method, sample volume, number of pages and title of advisors. As a result of the research; the number of thesis has increased after 2010; the majority of the thesis were prepared by the Institute of Social Sciences (n=217) and the Department of Tourism Management (n=157); most of the thesis were prepared at the graduate level (n=146); the thesis are mostly oriented towards tourism (n=195); the research method applied in the thesis of master's degree (n=156) and doctorate (n=80) is largely quantitative research methods; thesis are mostly prepared by Akdeniz University (n=26), Gazi University (n=25) and Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (n=15); the sampling volumes are substantially between 0-50 (n=46); thesis have been concentrated between 101-200 (n=140) pages and the titles of thesis advisors have been given by Assoc. Prof. Dr. (n=91).
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