Kalkınma Kuramları ve Turizmin Gelişimi (Development Theories and Tourism Development)


  • Dönüş ÇİÇEK
  • Yaşar SARI




Tourism, Development, Development theories


Until World War II, solution proposals were oriented towards the problems of developed countries, whereas after World War II, the problems of less developed countries have become the focus. The emergence of development theories is based on the advices that the countries which became independent following the war took from economists in order to develop their natural resources. Natural resource based tourism has shown change in coincidence and have shared similar focal points with development theories. Despite their concurrent transformations, the relationship between development and tourism is studied in the body of literature mostly in terms of the economic impacts of tourism. Development theories are defined as comprehensive philosophies that form a basis for development plans and strategies. Tourism, which is used as a development strategy for developing countries, is a field that utilizes and benefits from development theories; because of this, it is important that the development theories are understood for a better understanding of tourism development. Therefore, the subject of this study is specified as the examination of tourism’s development process in light of development theories and with this in mind, a conceptual study is conducted based on reviewing the relevant body of literature.


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How to Cite

ÇİÇEK, D., & SARI, Y. (2023). Kalkınma Kuramları ve Turizmin Gelişimi (Development Theories and Tourism Development). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 6(4), 993–1015. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2018.345