An Exploratory Research on the Local Mushrooms Recognition and Use Status of the Chefs


  • Özkan ERDEM
  • Fuat BAYRAM
  • Berker ÇİFTÇİ
  • Ali Kemal KEMER


Mushroom, Kitchen, Local mushroom, Local product, Kitchen chief


Since ancient times, wild mushrooms, which have been collected from nature for food and medical purposes, are now being used frequently in areas such as cosmetics and industry. Especially in recent years, with the increase in demand for healthy and reliable food on the world scale, mushroom growing has become an important industry. At the same time, ecotourism and rustic tourism have been a fun and monetizing activity for collecting mushrooms from nature. Besides, it can be a source of livelihood for some families in rural areas without requiring too much labor and low cost production and collection from nature. As a result of the literature survey, it was determined that studies were conducted for the purpose of inventory extraction, and no studies on consumption of fungi were found. For this reason, in this study, it is aimed to determine the recognition and use of local mushrooms by the kitchen chefs who use mushrooms in the tourism sector. In this study, the data obtained from the qualitative interview methods using the face-to-face interview technique was interpreted by analyzing the content.


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How to Cite

ERDEM, Özkan, BAYRAM, F., ÇİFTÇİ, B., & KEMER, A. K. (2023). An Exploratory Research on the Local Mushrooms Recognition and Use Status of the Chefs. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 6(Special Issue 3), 225–239. Retrieved from

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