Mardin’deki Butik Otellerde Ziyaretçi Deneyimlerinin Netnografik Yöntem ile Belirlenmesi (Netnographic Examination of Visitor Experiences in Boutique Hotels: The Case of Mardin)
Mardin, Boutique hotel, Hotel experience, Tourism experienceAbstract
This research aims to reveal tourist experiences in boutique hotels in Mardin province. To achieve this goal, the netnographic approach, one of the qualitative research methods, was preferred. In this context, experiences were tried to be determined by examining the online reviews posted by tourist about boutique hotels in Mardin on the Tripadvisor website, one of the most popular online platforms in the world. In line with the purpose of the research, the data consists of online comments made by visitors about their experiences during their stay in boutique hotels. A total of 1184 comments constitute the data set of the research. Comments made from the most recent to the oldest reviews have been included in the data analysis The data were tried to be interpreted with the help of content analysis, one of the qualitative research analysis techniques. In addition, descriptive analysis was used by making quotations to support the emerging themes. According to the findings, it was determined that boutique hotel experiences emerged under five themes. These themes are named as hospitality, physical environment, memorable experience, cleaning/hygiene and gastronomy. Theoretical contributions and practical suggestions are presented.
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