Yerel Yiyeceklerin Destinasyonu Tekrar Ziyaret ve Tavsiye Etme Niyeti Üzerindeki Etkisi: Beyşehir Sazanı Örneği (The Effect of Local Food on the Re-visit and Recommendation Intention: The Case of Beysehir Carp)
Local foods, Revisit, RecommendationAbstract
Recent studies show that local foods offered in destinations have become important components that affect tourist preferences and contribute to the success of destinations. It is stated that the studies conducted in this direction generally focus on the pre-visit and visit processes, while the post-visit behavioural intentions such as revisit are neglected. In this study, the effect of local food on tourists' post-visit behavioural intentions is examined with the developed structural equation model. The results show that factors such as price perception, restaurant atmosphere and service, sensory appeal, emotional value and health perception are effective in determining satisfaction with local food, while the most effective factors are price perception, restaurant atmosphere and service. It has been determined that satisfaction with local food affects the recommendation and revisit intention.
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