Coffeescape: A Scale for Measuring Coffee Shops Atmospherics


  • Savaş ARTUĞER



Coffeescape, Coffee shops, Atmospherics, Scale development, Starbucks


The purpose of this research is to develop a scale to measure atmospheric elements in coffee shops. In the study, the exploratory sequential design method was used. The universe of the research consists of people who visit Starbucks coffee shops in Besiktas in Istanbul. In the study, data were collected from 343 Starbucks customers for EFA and 335 Starbucks customers for DFA. As a result of the research, the COFFEESCAPE scale, which consists of 5 dimensions and 17 items and measures the atmospheric elements in coffee shops, has also been developed with proven validity and reliability. The dimensions of the scale emerged as layout, aesthetics, lighting, service staff and technology. The data collection process of this study for EFA and DFA coincided with the Covid-19 pandemic period and the Coffeescape scale’s first development phase may have caused deficiencies in the expressions for measuring the atmospheric elements in coffee shops. No other scale with proven validity and reliability that measures atmospheric elements in coffee shops has been found in the national or international literature. From this point of view, it is thought that this scale will make an important contribution to the literature.


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How to Cite

KILINÇ ŞAHİN , S. ., & ARTUĞER , S. . (2023). Coffeescape: A Scale for Measuring Coffee Shops Atmospherics. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 11(1), 144–160.