Sakin Şehir Akyaka’da Slow Food Akımı Kapsamında Sürdürülebilir Mutfak Uygulamasına Bir Örnek: Adile Teyze’nin Ekşi Mayalı Soğuk Fermente Ekmekleri (An Example of Sustainable Kitchen Application Within the Slow Food Current in Cittaslow Akyaka: Adile Teyze’s Cold Fermented Sour Dough Breads)
Akyaka, Cittaslow, Slow food, Gastronomy, Sour dough breadAbstract
The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between the slow food trend and sustainable cuisine practice in Akyaka, one of the Cittaslows of Turkey. The main reason for investigating this relationship is to help remember the sourdough bread, which is already in our culinary culture but has been forgotten over time, and to contribute to the continuation of such traditions by the next generations. In the research, it is also aimed to make suggestions for improving the current situation of the region within the framework of the slow food movement and to raise awareness on the subject. Thus, it is important to bring the traditional sourdough bread making techniques, which is one of the important values of the region and our country, to the forefront, to remember the values of our cultural heritage and to contribute to the development of sustainable culinary practices. In the study, firstly, the relationship between slow food and gastronomy tourism was explained, and then information about cold fermented sourdough bread was given. Then, the findings of the qualitative research, in which the face-to-face interview technique was used, were interpreted and presented in order to reveal the interest in the slow food movement in the calm city Akyaka and its sustainability potential. In addition, in the conclusion part of the research, suggestions were made for similar heritages that will create value for the region.
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