Isabella Üzümü ve Kefir İlaveli Fonksiyonel Dondurma (Functional Ice Cream with Isabella Grape and Kefir)
Functional food, Functional ice cream, Kefir, Isabella grapeAbstract
In this study, multiple functionalities were combined by adding grape containing phenolic compounds and resveratrol and kefir with probiotic properties to functional properties to ice cream product. The fragrant grape species was used as Isabella (Vitis Labrusca L.) grown in the Black Sea Region. 4 different ratios (15.0%, 30.0%, 45.0% and 60.0%) of Isabella grapefruit and 4 different ratios (15.0%, 30.0%, 45.0% and 60.0%) of kefir were tried. A two-stage experimental research method was used in the evaluation. Firstly, sensory analysis of the product prepared with recipes by trained panelists was performed and the most liked was determined. In the second stage, a consumer taste test was applied. The most popular ice cream was the product containing 30.0% kefir and 45.0% Isabella grape. When consumers' evaluations of Isabella grape and kefir ice cream were analyzed in terms of appearance, odor, texture and taste that their level of appreciation and purchase intentions were high. As a result of the consumer appreciation test, the positive approach of participants to functional foods are important in terms of the development and impact of delicious and healthy alternative products.
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