Restoran Girişimciliğinde Etnosentrizmin Etkisi: Safranbolu Örneği (The Effect of Ethnocentrısm In Restaurant Entrepreneurshıp: The Case of Safranbolu)
Gastronomy, Ethnocentrism, Safranbolu, RestaurantAbstract
Ethnocentrism refers to a general tendency for people who see their own groups as the center of the universe, who see different groups from the point of view of the group to which they belong, who accept people who are similar to their own groups in a cultural sense without question, and reject people who are not similar. In addition, ethnocentrism is a concept that is effective in the production and purchase of products. In this study, which aims to determine the effect of ethnocentrism on restaurant entrepreneurship, a face-to-face interview method was used from qualitative research approaches. Descriptive analysis technique was used to analyze the data obtained by interview method. The interviews were conducted with 11 restaurant operators operating in Safranbolu. As a result of the research, it was found that Safranbolu regional dishes are included in the restaurant menus, wooden, copper, pottery, tile tools reflecting the Safranbolu culture are used in the kitchens, and elements reflecting the Safranbolu culture are included in the design of restaurants. It has been determined that figures reflecting Safranbolu culture such as Saffron flower and Safranbolu houses are included in the logos, advertisements and promotions of restaurants, and attention has been paid to the halal certification of the purchased ones. The ethnocentric trend is shown in the preference of purchased food products and equipment, and it has been concluded that mostly geographically marked and domestic products are preferred. Food was used as an intermediary element, and it was concluded that the promotion of the destination along with food also came to the fore.
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