Tabak Prezantasyonunun Kötü Görünümlü Yiyeceklerin Kabulüne Etkisi: Şırdan Örneği (The Effect of Plate Presentation on the Acceptance of Bad-Looking Foods: Şırdan Example)
Plate presentation, Bad-looking foods, Food acceptance, Visual sense, ŞırdanAbstract
This study examines the effect of food, which is thought to have a negative impact on consumption due to its appearance, on its acceptance by creating presentations with aesthetic value. In this context şırdan, representing bad-looking dishes, is discussed. In the study, 5 different şırdan presentations were prepared using modernist presentation techniques. The form containing the presentations was sent online to consumers living in Turkey. Color, visual texture, shape and general presentation (composition) parameters were determined for 5 presentations prepared within the scope of the research, and an appreciation test was applied. As a result of the data obtained from 215 participants who stated that they did not want to consume şırdan, it was determined that the presentation of whole şırdan affected the appreciation score negatively, and the horizontal presentation of the sections taken from the şırdan received more appreciation points on the basis of all parameters. In addition, when the presentations of the dishes that received the most appreciation in the presentation of şırdan were examined, factors such as the variety of colors and the use of vibrant colors, the use of sauces or spices, the amount of şırdan filling, the plate fullness, and the fact that the focus of the plate was not filled with şırdan, drew attention. Based on the research findings, it was concluded that the rate of acceptance by the consumer can be increased with the modernist presentation techniques of şırdan and the bad-looking foods it represents, and that visual manipulation has a significant effect.
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