Covid-19 Döneminde Çevreye Olan Etkileriyle Rekreasyon ve Turizm: Bir Farkındalık Çalışması (Recreation and Tourism with its Effects on the Environment in the Time of Covid-19: An Awareness Study)
Recreation, Tourism, Covid-19, Environment, SustainabilityAbstract
Most of the recreational activities in recreation areas occur in nature. The tourism sector is among the examples that actively use nature. There is a close relationship between man and the natural environment in which he lives, on the one hand, in terms of the continuation of economic life, and on the other hand, in terms of recreational values, which include many types of activities such as tourism and sports. From this point of view, the aim of the study is to raise awareness by highlighting the environmental effects of the desire to meet nature based on tourism and recreation in terms of sustainability. In the study, the qualitative research method was taken as a basis, a conceptual framework. It is thought that the study is important in terms of recognizing and minimizing the effects of individuals on the environment if they are negative, and that the methods to be minimized will be given in the suggestions section, as it will provide a separate benefit as it will guide the relevant unit.
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