Cinsiyetlendirilmiş Yiyecek Adlarına İlişkin Bakış Açısının Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluating the Perspective Related to the Gendered Food Names)
Food names, Gender, Flavor, WomanAbstract
Food is strongly associated with social life. The gendered discourse of food can be used to increase the social acceptance of gender-valued roles in society or it can be effective in framing the food consumption patterns of men and women. The study aims to figure out how particular food names influence people's perspectives of femininity and masculinity. The data of the study were obtained by face-to-face interview and form filling technique online. A total of 75 participants were reached in the study, 40 of whom were women and 35 were men. "Theme Analysis and Descriptive Analysis" was used in the analysis of the data obtained in the study. As a result of the study, it was determined that the use of certain names with gender-specific meanings in the naming of food causes some connotations in humans. These connotations affect people's positive or negative feelings and thoughts, but this is also reflected in consumption. When gender is viewed within the framework of food names specific to Turkish culture, it has been observed that most of the participants emphasize sexism in the designated food names, especially by emphasizing women. It can be said that these namings create a perception of sexism in society. The results of the study may indicate that food has symbolic meaning beyond physiological need.
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