The Probable Effects of COVID-19 on Entrepreneurial Trends and SMEs in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry


  • Burcu KOÇ



COVID-19, Tourism, SMEs, Entrepreneurship, Crisis


Almost all sectors have come to a standstill with the emergence of the COVID-19 crisis. Tourism is one of these sectors. It is clear that the health crisis in question has limited the production of supply sources of the industry at least as much as the flow of international tourists. Reactivating become difficult day by day for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that do not have an enough financial saving / support, and unemployment is increasing in most countries. Although the situation is so serious from the supply perspective, the effects of COVID-19 are generally examined in terms of demand, and what challenges enterprises face are largely neglected. In order to fill this gap, this article aims to discuss the effects of COVID-19 on tourism SMEs and healing power of entrepreneurship. In this context, the existing literature has been reviewed thoroughly, including prior studies on crisis management in SMEs.


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How to Cite

KOÇ, B. (2023). The Probable Effects of COVID-19 on Entrepreneurial Trends and SMEs in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 9(3), 1522–1535.