A Research on Post-Covid-19 Career Perception and Business Life Expectations of Generation Z: The Case of the Tourism and Business Faculties


  • Erhan KILINÇ
  • Fatih VAROL




Generation Z, Business life, Career, Post-Covid-19


The Covid-19 Pandemic, which emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and spread all over the world, caused the illness and death of many people. However, this pandemic has had its effects on many dimensions from private life to business life from economy to lifestyle and culture, moreover caused uncertainties and concerns about the future. One of the important populations affected by these uncertainties and anxieties is the individuals who are called Generation Z and will be entering business life soon. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the career perceptions and expectations of Generation Z for business life. In this context, a questionnaire was applied to third and fourth year undergraduate students of Generation Z who study in various departments of the tourism and business faculties of the state universities in Konya and the health management department within the health sciences faculty in Konya. 63,9% of the representatives of Generation Z participating in the research think that the business world and business life will reshape post-Covid-19 Pandemic. 50.2% of Generation Z representatives stated that the Covid-19 Pandemic had a negative impact on future business plans and career goals. 37.3% of the participants stated that the Covid-19 Pandemic changed their priority business preferences for their future business lives and careers. 52.6% of the participants stated that their priority job preferences changed as "being a public employee", 19.27% "working in the private sector" and 28.13% "starting their own business".


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How to Cite

KILINÇ, E., & VAROL, F. (2023). A Research on Post-Covid-19 Career Perception and Business Life Expectations of Generation Z: The Case of the Tourism and Business Faculties. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 9(1), 573–594. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2021.804