Safranbolu Restoranlarına Yönelik Çevrimiçi Müşteri Şikâyetlerinin Analizi: Tripadvisor Örneği (Analysis of Online Customer Complaints for Safranbolu Restaurants: Tripadvisor Example)





Tourism, Restaurant, Tripadvisor, Safranbolu


Today, the internet provides extensive opportunities for consumers to evaluate the productsand services they purchase online as well as to learn about the products and services they want to buy. Tripadvisor is one of the world's largest online sites that offer this service to consumers on the internet. This study aims to determine the reasons for the complaint-based comments on Tripadvisor made for restaurants operating in Safranbolu and help those businesses increase their service quality by offering solutions. In this study, qualitative data collection technique was preferred as the document analysis. The sample of this study consists of 517 comments made by customers towards 65 restaurant businesses in Safranbolu between 27.11.2011 and 25.12.2019 in Turkish and English languages, which are in the categories of 1 = terrible, 2 = bad and 3 = average on the Tripadvisor site. Content analysis was applied to the determined complaint comments. Following the analysis results, the complaints were grouped under eight main categories. Descriptive analysis and content analysis were applied together to the determined complaint comments. As a result of the analysis, complaints were collected under 8 main categories and 27 sub-categories. In particular, it was determined that the category receiving the most complaints was about food and beverages, while the category receiving the least complaints was the atmosphere.


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How to Cite

OĞUZBALABAN, G. (2023). Safranbolu Restoranlarına Yönelik Çevrimiçi Müşteri Şikâyetlerinin Analizi: Tripadvisor Örneği (Analysis of Online Customer Complaints for Safranbolu Restaurants: Tripadvisor Example). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 8(4), 2898–2915.