Perceptions, Attitudes and Behaviors of Consumers Towards Traditional Product Depending on Their Sources: The Case of Turkey


  • Burhan BAŞARAN



Traditional food, Consumer, Food choice motives, Gastronomy, Turkey


This study involves a statistical examination of perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors of 950 people with various socio-demographic characteristics from 10 metropolis that have a central position in their regions regarding traditional foods based on their sources in Turkey. Based on the sources, traditional foods were divided into three main and nine sub-categories. Traditional foods sourcing from land are consumed more frequently than other groups. It was seen that vegetative traditional food sourcing from land are consumed more than food of animal origin sourcing from land whereas vegetative traditional food sourcing from seas, lakes, rivers etc. are consumed less than food of animal origin sourcing from sea etc. Traditional foods are generally consumed for dinners. Traditional foods are mostly considered healthy and tasty. In the regression analysis conducted between the socio-demographic characteristics of individuals and the frequency of traditional food consumption in the provinces where the research was conducted, many statistically significant data were obtained.


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How to Cite

BAŞARAN, B. (2023). Perceptions, Attitudes and Behaviors of Consumers Towards Traditional Product Depending on Their Sources: The Case of Turkey. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 8(3), 1625–1645.