Yiyecek İçecek Sektörü Çalışanlarının Algıladıkları Ödül Tatmininin İş Memnuniyeti Üzerindeki Etkisi: Psikolojik Ödüllendirmenin Aracılık Rolü (The Effect of Satisfaction with Rewards on Employees’ Job Satisfaction in Food and Beverage Industry: The Mediating Role of Psychological Rewards)
Rewarding, Psychological rewarding, Job satisfaction, Food and beverage workersAbstract
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of rewarding systems on job satisfaction levels of employees working in food and beverage establishments on job satisfaction, and the mediating role of psychological rewards in creating this effect. For this purpose, 365 people working in food and beverage establishments and food and beverage departments of hotels in Thrace region were selected via convenience sampling method. descriptive statistics were calculated, and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were performed, on the data collected via field surveys. The only rewarding dimension which had a direct effect on job satisfaction was psychological rewarding; in addition, it was concluded that psychological rewards had a full mediating role on the effect of financial and material rewards on job satisfaction. Therefore, psychological rewarding practices should be used effectively, and it should be handled as an essential part of a rewarding system that should be managed without being left to the managers' initiative and coincidences. It is envisaged that when psychological rewarding elements such as appreciation, recognition, praise, delegation, empowerment etc. systematically delivered to employees in an institutionalized structure, managers can increase the effectiveness of existing reward systems and achieved desired outcomes more effectively by creating job satisfaction.
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