Ekolojik Tarım Turizm Faaliyetlerine Katılan Ziyaretçilerin Ekolojik Çiftliklere Yönelik Beklenti ve Algılarının Tespit Edilmesi (Identification the Expectations and Perpection of Visitors Who Participate in Ecological Agriculture Tourism Activities)
Ecological agriculture tourism, Expectation-perception, Satisfaction level, TaTuTaAbstract
The aim of this study is to identify the expectations and perceptions of the participants who visit ecological farms serving in ecological agricultural tourism, which is regarded as an important economic activity in the development of rural areas in Turkey and in the increase of income of local people. For this purpose, firstly literature review was conducted within the scope of the research and a questionnaire was prepared by developing the questions in line with the purpose of the study. The questionnaire was directed to visitors who visited ecological farms and participated in ecological agricultural tourism activities in the Marmara region within the scope of TaTuTa project. In the study quantitative research method was used. As a sampling method, sampling method was preferred. According to the findings of the study, participants were generally satisfied with ecological farm services. It was found that the most important motivation to visit the ecological farms was to relax mentally and to visit the ecological farm again and to advise others. In the light of the findings of the study, it can be said that the perceived quality is not higher than expected quality. As a result of the findings of the research, it can be suggested that the facilities benefit from sustainable sources that do not harm the biodiversity and take measures to reduce the impact of the pollution that the facilities may cause in the environment.
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