Turizm Destinasyonlarının Rekabet Gücünün Artırılmasında Stratejik Destinasyon Yönetimi: Çeşme Alaçatı Destinasyonu Üzerine Bir Uygulama (Strategic Destination Management for the Improvement of Tourism Destination Competitiveness: An Application on Çeşme Alaçatı Destination)


  • Ediz GÜRİPEK
  • Öcal USTA




Strategic management, Strategic destination management, Factors affecting competitiveness, Competitive models


This research has been prepared in order to determine the competitiveness of destinations at the national scale and that the destination management should be dealt with strategically. The study aims to adopt the factors in the model of Dwyer and Kim to the local scale and to form a model according to the strategic destination management. The main population of the research consists of different institutions, enterprises, and units in Alaçatı destination and stratified sampling technique is used according to groups. Data were obtained from 457 people by using the method prepared by Gomezelc and Mihalic (2008) according to the factors in Dwyer and Kim's model. The study was conducted in September 2012 and in May of 2013. Two different statistical programs were used for data analysis. Although it is considered as a sixth factor along with natural and cultural resources, artificial sources, support resources, situational conditions and demand conditions in the model in the literature, it is concluded that strategic destination management should be considered as an independent factor affecting other factors according to the model created. According to the findings obtained from the research, it was revealed that Alaçatı destination has high competitiveness, but it should be managed strategically.


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How to Cite

GÜRİPEK, E., & USTA, Öcal. (2023). Turizm Destinasyonlarının Rekabet Gücünün Artırılmasında Stratejik Destinasyon Yönetimi: Çeşme Alaçatı Destinasyonu Üzerine Bir Uygulama (Strategic Destination Management for the Improvement of Tourism Destination Competitiveness: An Application on Çeşme Alaçatı Destination). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 6(4), 496–523. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2018.321