Örgütsel Adalet, Sapkın Davranış, Örgütsel Sinizm ve İşten Ayrılma Niyeti İlişkisi: Karşılılık Normu Yaklaşımı (The Relationship between Organizational Justice, Deviant Behavior, Organizational Cynicism and Job Quit Intention: The Norm of Reciprocity Perspective)

Örgütsel Adalet, Sapkın Davranış, Örgütsel Sinizm ve İşten Ayrılma Niyeti İlişkisi: Karşılılık Normu Yaklaşımı (The Relationship between Organizational Justice, Deviant Behavior, Organizational Cynicism and Job Quit Intention: The Norm of Reciprocity Perspective)


  • Berrin GÜZEL
  • Ediz GÜRİPEK




Norm of reciprocity, Organizational justice, Deviant behavior, Organizational cynicism


Employees' perception of justice is one of the important factors that determine their reactions to the behaviors within the organization. Employees cannot be expected to exhibit positive attitudes within an organization without justice. The aim of the study is to test the model that proposes the relationship between organizational justice, organizational cynicism, deviant behavior and job quit intention through the norm of reciprocity, which explains that employees will display negative attitudes when they are treated negatively. 590 data were obtained from the restaurant companies located in various destinations with survey technique. According to the findings, the norm of reciprocity explains organizational justice and organizational cynicism; and these concepts affect deviant behavior which also increases the intent to quit.


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How to Cite

GÜZEL, B., & GÜRİPEK , E. (2023). Örgütsel Adalet, Sapkın Davranış, Örgütsel Sinizm ve İşten Ayrılma Niyeti İlişkisi: Karşılılık Normu Yaklaşımı (The Relationship between Organizational Justice, Deviant Behavior, Organizational Cynicism and Job Quit Intention: The Norm of Reciprocity Perspective): Örgütsel Adalet, Sapkın Davranış, Örgütsel Sinizm ve İşten Ayrılma Niyeti İlişkisi: Karşılılık Normu Yaklaşımı (The Relationship between Organizational Justice, Deviant Behavior, Organizational Cynicism and Job Quit Intention: The Norm of Reciprocity Perspective). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 8(2), 870–895. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2020.585