Analysis of Customer Complaint Behaviors in Restaurant Establishments: A Research in Ankara Province
Customer Complaints, Complaint Behaviours, Restaurants with Tourism Management Certificate, AnkaraAbstract
Today, restaurants try to satisfy their current customers at the utmost level due to intense competition in food and beverage businesses. Understanding the customer, and being able to predict his/her wishes and needs in advance are significant in building customer satisfaction. So, customer satisfaction should be achieved by listening the customer, knowing the complaints of the customer, and solving the problem in the shortest time. In this study, customer complaint behaviour at restaurant businesses is analysed. In the research, the relationship between customer complaint behaviour and the customer’s demographic characteristics such as gender, age, marital status, level of education, and income status are revealed by giving the differences among these characteristics. The study was done on 604 restaurant customers. The data obtained was analysed in SPSS 22.0 package program, and chi-square test was performed. It has been determined that most of the customers initially informs the restaurant management about any complaints, they feel pleased when they get feedback about it, but they think about their restaurant preferences if their problems are not solved. And it has also been determined that the complaint behaviours change according to gender, age, marital status, education level and income status of the customers.
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