Gastronomi İmaj Algısının Destinasyona Yönelik Davranışsal Niyetler Üzerindeki Etkisi (The Effect of Gastronomy Image Perception on Destination Behavioral Intentions)
Gastronomy, Image of gastronomy, Behavioral intentions, KayseriAbstract
Increased awareness of gastronomic tourism after 2000s and turning to alternative tourism types for tourists who want to experience new experiences. Various tourism destinations try to reveal regional gastronomy elements in order to diversify their tourism activities. The increasing awareness of the gastronomic images of tourism destinations and the fact that tourists are affected by this preference in their travel preferences. They exhibit these behavioral intentions. These behaviors are shaped according to the perceived images in that destination. Tourists comprehend the destination image by obtaining information from various sources before traveling and make their preferences accordingly. Tourists evaluate the behavioral intent according to the activities they attend at their destination, their experiences and reflect these intentions for their own use or to reflect them in the future. Research on behavioral intentions of tourists coming to Kayseri. It is for work by applying a questionnaire to 442 tourists.
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