Determination of Airline Preferences of Turkish Citizens Residing Abroad in the Context of Ethnocentrism
Consumer ethnocentrism, Domestic airline preference, Demographic attributesAbstract
Consumer ethnocentrism is the preference of domestic products due to economic interest and nationalism instead of purchasing foreign products. Within this framework, the purpose of the study is to determine ethnocentric tendencies of the Turkish citizens coming for holiday to Antalya and the effect of this tendency on domestic airline preference. On the other hand, it is aimed to analysis whether Turkish citizens’ ethnocentrism tendencies vary across demographic attributes or not. Survey was conducted on 425 Turkish citizens residing abroad and coming for holiday to Antalya. According to results, it was revealed that Turkish citizens’ ethnocentric tendencies were medium level and their tendencies varied across demographic attributes. Within the frame of the main hypothesis of the study, it is ascertained that consumer ethnocentrism is a strong determinant of domestic airline preference.
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