Examining the Content Analysis of Gourmets’ Instagram Accounts in Turkey


  • Onur ÇELEN
  • Muharrem TUNA


Instagram, Gastronomy, Gourmet, Social Media, Tourism, Turkey


Social media has become a platform in which people are actively using today. People can communicate with people they know and do not know, with social media, and follow people and pages according to their interests. In this context, Instagram creates a strong field for the listed elements. With the ever-increasing demand for gastronomic services, people are following the people they think are competent in this area in Instagram, and the sharing of these gourmets in their Instagram accounts can also affect people and institutions. The theme of this study is; Instagram share in Turkey to investigate the gourmets. The importance of work, the sharing of gourmets and the determination of the effects of followers and non-followers on the gastronomic trends and preferences is to draw attention to the effects of gourmets. The aim of the study is to examine the numbers of the followers and followers of the gourmets, the content of the shares, the hashtag and the mentions used in the sharing, the taste from the shares, the monitoring, the place declarations and the comment numbers by means of content analysis. In this context, the contents of one month (05.12.2017-05.01.2018) share contents, ratings and views of the shares, place declaration, hashtag, use of mentioning, comments are evaluated. As regards the number of followers, each person was treated as a different individual. While the total number of followers of 11 gourmets’ was 2.777.959, the videos uploaded by gourmets to food, beverage and catering businesses were viewed 8,942,684 times. As a result of the study, gourmets were found to be effective in the field of gastronomy.


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How to Cite

ÇELEN, O., & TUNA, M. (2023). Examining the Content Analysis of Gourmets’ Instagram Accounts in Turkey. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 6(Special Issue 3), 411–436. Retrieved from https://jotags.net/index.php/jotags/article/view/454