Evaluation of Tourism Potential of Sinop Destination With SWOT Analysis
Turizm, SWOT Analiz, Sinop, TürkiyeAbstract
The Black Sea region is one of the regions of Turkey that draws attention with its natural beauties and history. It is extremely important to investigate the tourism potential of Sinop which is shown among the cities that attract attention with its unique structure, originality and historical-cultural beauties in the Black Sea region. Sinop is accepted as the happiest and most livable area of Turkey. The main purpose of the research is to determine the tourism potential of Sinop in terms of tourism. In line with the determined purpose, SWOT analysis was carried out according to the researches made on this subject in the literature and the information on the official website of the Sinop Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism. As a result of the SWOT analysis it has been determined that Sinop has a lot of strengths in tourism and has the necessary resources for culture and nature tourism. It has been concluded that the bed capacity of Sinop should be strengthened and the related situation constitutes the weak side of Sinop. Regarding the opportunities, it has been determined that it is suitable for the development of new types of tourism as it is suitable for activities such as photography and sailing. The presence of stronger and more well-known destinations around Sinop seems to be a serious threat for Sinop.
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