The Impact of Mobbing Applications on Organizational Commitment in the Food and Beverage Operations: The Case of Ankara


  • Kardelen ALPASLAN
  • Aydoğan AYDOĞDU


Food and beverage operations, Mobbing, Organizational commitment, Çankaya-Ankara


One of the main purposes of businesses is to achieve maximum efficiency. This result is possible with collective efforts of employees whose are loyal to the organizations. For this reason, it is seen that both efficiency of employees and organizations is result of organizational commitment. In order to be loyal to organization for employees, one of the most basic conditions, in fact the main one is that employees are happy in the business life. Such annoying attitudes as employee humiliation, being rebuked of employees, threats and attacks on employee personality will affect negatively both employees and organizations. It can be concluded that organizational commitment is not seen in the organization where in there is mobbing. The purpose of this study is to determine whether mobbing practices exist in the food and beverage business in Ankara and to examine the possible effects on organizational commitment. The main population of this research is comprised of 25.500 employees who worked in 2.551 licensed businesses in Çankaya, Ankara. In order to meet the research objectives, the relevant literature was deeply reviewed and a scale was prepared with the help of the secondary data obtained. Convenience, judgment, voluntary sampling method was applied together in the survey and data was collected from selected 400 employees by the way of face to face interview technique. The obtained data were analyzed with frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean and standard deviations with the help of a statistical package program widely used in social sciences. It is determined that although there is a low level of mobbing in the organizations that are mentioned in the analysis result, there is no relation between mobbing behavior and organizationalcommitment.


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How to Cite

ALPASLAN, K., & AYDOĞDU, A. (2023). The Impact of Mobbing Applications on Organizational Commitment in the Food and Beverage Operations: The Case of Ankara. Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 6(Special Issue 3), 298–311. Retrieved from