Evaluation of the Mobile Augmented Reality Applications Used in Historical Tourist Attractions
Augmented reality, Mobile applications, Cultural heritage, Historical sitesAbstract
Augmented reality, which is one of the eight universes of the multiverse, brings together non-time, non-location and non-particle. A new medium for individuals is created by placing different virtual objects on the instant image of the medium in augmented reality. There are several augmented reality applications developed especially for five basic fields. The most important of these are cultural heritage and tourism. Nowadays it is possible to come across various augmented reality systems used for different applications or reenactments at historical venues, touristic trips, events and museums. Thanks to this newly created medium, tourists are able to interact with everything that is included in the images provided by the mobile device at the historical venue and they can thus have more memorable experiences. We note that mobile augmented reality applications, which are crucial for tourism, are being used for an increasing number of cultural heritage sites. This study consists of a literature review of the secondary data sources to clearly evaluate the transformation mobile augmented reality applications have gone through over the years. In addition, we also tried to determine in which stage Turkey is compared to the other countries in the world in this matter. We concluded that there is a host of historical sites around the world where mobile augmented reality applications are used; yet, there is not any mobile augmented reality application currently in use at a location or archeological site in Turkey.
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