Potansiyel Tüketicilerin 3D Baskılı Yiyeceklere Yönelik Algılarının Davranışsal Niyete Etkisi: Çeşitlilik Arayışının Düzenleyici Rolü (The Effect of Potential Consumers’ Perceptions of 3D Printed Foods on Behavioral Intention: The Moderating Role of Varie
3D printer, 3D printed food, Behavioral intention, Variety seekingAbstract
Three-dimensional food printing allows foods to be personalized by giving each food unique attribute. As the demand for personalized foods has increased, three-dimensional printed foods have become widespread. In this context, it can be stated that it has become important to investigate consumers’ evaluations of three-dimensional printed foods. Therefore, the aim of this study is to reveal the impact of potential consumers’ perceptions of three-dimensional printed foods on behavioral intention. Another aim is to investigate the moderating effect of variety seeking. Based on these, 543 valid data were obtained through a survey and analyzed using structural equation modeling with the SmartPLS program (PLS-SEM). According to the results, three-dimensional printed foods attributes have effect on behavioral intentions. On the other hand, moderating role of variety seeking cannot be determined. Therefore, it can be suggested that since three-dimensional printed foods, which can be considered a new application, are not known enough and importance should be given to promoting these foods by highlighting their attributes.
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