Orman Yangınlarının Arıcılığa ve Arı Turizminin Yapılabilirliğine Etkisi: Marmaris Örneği (The Effect of Forest Fires on Feasibility of Beekeeping and Api Tourism: The Case of Marmaris)
Api tourism, Beekeeping, Climate change, Forest fireAbstract
Forest fires, emerging as one of the destructive consequences of climate and climate change, directly impact apiculture and bee tourism, which are agricultural activities closely related to forests. The purpose of this research is to reveal the effects of the wildfire disaster in the Marmaris district on apiculture activities and the sustainability of bee tourism. The study adopts a qualitative research method, and face-to-face interviews using a semi-structured interview technique were conducted with local beekeepers. The research sample consisted of 11 local beekeepers engaged in apiculture activities in the village of Osmaniye in the Marmaris district, selected using the snowball sampling method. As a result of the study, participants stated that the production potential of pine honey would decrease, and they expressed their intention to engage in apiculture activities in areas with richer vegetation to replace the lost beekeeping areas, focusing on apiculture by-products. It was suggested that the recovery of forest assets after the fire could take 30-40 years. Additionally, participants emphasized that bee tourism contributes to the local economy, supporting the livelihoods of the people, and they indicated that this type of tourism could still be successfully implemented in the district.
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