Kartalkaya Kayak Merkezi’ndeki Atıl Kapasitenin Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of the Idle Capacity in Kartalkaya Ski Center)
Winter tourism, Kartalkaya Ski Center, Climate change, Idle capacityAbstract
Climate change, negatively affects winter tourism centers and does not comply with the expected occupancy rates in ski climate conditions. Therefore, the existing capacities in the ski resorts remain idle. In this context, the main purpose of the study is to identify the activities that businesses in Bolu Kartalkaya Ski Center carry out or want to carry out in order to extend the season and utilize their idle capacities, and to reveal the thoughts of the operators in the region on this issue. For this purpose, the interview technique was used in the study and face-to-face interviews were held with the managers of the businesses operating in the ski resort in the region. Accordingly, it has been determined that businesses in Kartalkaya have been negatively affected by climate change and their occupancy rates have decreased in recent years. It has been stated that businesses in the region can turn to alternative activities such as mountain tourism, caravan tourism, plateau tourism, sports tourism, camping, trekking and off road in order to continue their activities throughout the year.
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