Müşteri İlişkileri Yönetiminde AHS ve VİKOR Yöntemleri İle Promosyon Müşterisi Belirlemeye Yönelik Model Önerisi: Butik Otel Örneği
CRM, Customer satisfaction, AHP and VikorAbstract
The purpose of this study is to reveal how customer relationship management (CRM) in the accommodation business will make the customers rankings (promotion customers) that the business is satisfied and prefers to apply promotions. Since in-depth information is needed to identify promotion customers, it was deemed suitable to conduct a case study from qualitative research methods. The population of the study constitute of customers that staying in a boutique hotel in İzmir Çeşme in 2022. The reason for choosing a boutique hotel is that customer circulation is fast and customers cannot be followed in big hotels. As a result, it causes data loss in the determined customer evaluation criteria. Accordingly, guests staying at the boutique hotel business in 2022 were selected that fit in the customer evaluation criteria. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with business managers. The interviews were held face to face. In this study, AHP and Vikor methods, which are multiple decision-making methods, were used together to determine the ranking of promotion customers that provide business satisfaction. Customer ranking has been realized successfully and the necessary information has been obtained for the CRM strategies that will follow regarding customers.
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