A Research on Tourism Development Paradox and Success Criteria in Tourism


  • İsa YAYLA




Development of tourism, Success in tourism, Over tourism


Almost all countries, especially underdeveloped and least developed countries, are in an effort to develop the tourism sector. The main purpose of this study is to gain a different perspective on success criteria in the tourism sector. In this study, the success in the tourism sector of the countries listed according to various criteria in the barometers published in the January 2023 by the UNWTO was compared with other data of countries such as GDP, area, population, import, export. It has been tried to reveal how successful any country, which is in the first place in a certain field, is according to different variables. In the study, the data of the countries in different fields were compared through tables and a different perspective was presented to the success criteria. As a result, it has been found that some countries, which are considered successful in tourism according to various criteria by UNWTO, are unsuccessful in comparison with other data.


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How to Cite

YAYLA, İsa. (2023). A Research on Tourism Development Paradox and Success Criteria in Tourism . Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 11(3), 2448–2462. https://doi.org/10.21325/jotags.2023.1301