A Research on the Determination of Residents’ Perception About Tourism in Diyarbakir
Regional development, Diyarbakır, Tourism perception, Tourism, ResidentsAbstract
This study aimed to determine the residents’ perception of Diyarbakir. By using convenience sampling method, 320 questionnaires were conducted. Questionaries consist of demographic questions and statements based on the 5 points Likert. They were conducted at Bağlar, Kayapınar, Yenişehir and Sur in April-May 2016. Findings were reached within the framework of Social Exchange Theory. Factor analysis was carried out by classifying them into economic, social, cultural and environmental aspects. Generally, residents’ perception of tourism is positive. There are relationship between personal characteristics of residents and impact of tourism. Dimension of economic factors include education, marital status, occupation, vacation experience, age and general perception of tourism; environmental factors include gender, income, place attachment, general perception of tourism; socio-cultural factors consist of place of residence, education and marital status, occupation, vacation experience and age, were determined to be statistically significant. Subsequent research has been proposed in terms of the success of tourism development plans to include domestic and foreign visitors and stakeholders.
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