İçe Dönük ve Dışa Dönük Turistlerin Yiyeceklere Yönelik Neofobik ve Neofilik Eğilimleri (The Neophobic and Neophilic Tendencies of Psychocentric and Allocentric Tourists Towards Food)
Food neophobia, Food neophilia, Allocentric, PsychocentricAbstract
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between allocentric and psychocentric tourist typologies and individuals' neophobic or neophilic tendencies towards food. The study is conducted as a field research and the sample of the study consists of individuals who are 18 years and older and are members of travel groups on social media platforms. Online survey forms created on Google Forms were shared with the participants via social media platforms and the data was collected in this way. The results of the study showed that individuals with psychocentric personality traits exhibited neophobic tendencies towards food. Another important and surprising finding of the study is the significant but negative relationship between allocentric personality traits and neophilic tendencies towards food. Considering that food is an important attraction factor in tourism, it is essential for all tourism stakeholders to develop strategies for this issue. Therefore, it is recommended to combine the familiar and traditional with the new in food to attract both allocentric and psychocentric tourists.
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